by benjaminadmin | 15 Apr, 2019 | Uncategorised
My speech [at RMS Conference] was about thefuture of work. Very fashionable subject right now all over Europe. Between the worries of automation and the hippies of freelancization, everyone has their own idea of what the future of work is all about. Everyone is...
by benjaminadmin | 18 May, 2018 | Managerial innovation
Creativity & Innovation “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones”. J-M Keynes “My manager never comes back to me about the ideas I put forward”, “I’ll just take my ideas elsewhere, somewhere we’re not...
by benjaminadmin | 17 May, 2018 | Managerial innovation
According to Benjamin Chaminade, creativity is a four-stage process. The first stage is ‘inspiration’. Therefore, rather than swamp you with different viewpoints and theories, we have decided instead to give you some concrete examples of management...
by benjaminadmin | 16 May, 2018 | Managerial innovation
Collaboration & Cohesion “We build too many wallsand not enough bridges” – I. Newton “Tell me, why is it that management tells us to work together, when the Directors are doing the exact opposite and defending their territory”, “With this silo...
by benjaminadmin | 15 May, 2018 | Managerial innovation
According to Benjamin Chaminade, creativity is a four-stage process. The first stage is ‘inspiration’. Therefore, rather than swamp you with different viewpoints and theories, we have decided instead to give you some concrete examples of management...
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